Seymour Scorecard Survey

How quickly and frequently does Supplier respond ?

How quickly and frequently does Supplier respond ?

Overall how would you rate the overall professionalism of your representation ?

Overall how would you rate the overall professionalism of your representation ?

How flexible is Supplier in supporting your business needs?

How flexible is Supplier in supporting your business needs?

How easy is it to conduct business with Supplier?

How easy is it to conduct business with Supplier?

How engaged do you feel Supplier is in your companies key initiatives?

How engaged do you feel Supplier is in your companies key initiatives?

Company Information

How is Suppliers products viewed in the market?

How is Suppliers products viewed in the market?

Does Suppliers corporate structure support your needs as a Member?

Does Suppliers corporate structure support your needs as a Member?

How would you rate the overall business practices of Supplier?

How would you rate the overall business practices of Supplier?

How is Supplier viewed in terms of success in the market?

How is Supplier viewed in terms of success in the market?

How do you feel the Suppliers supports key industry associations?

How do you feel the Suppliers supports key industry associations?

Business Accumen

Does Suppliers team understand and maximize the value of Primera?

Does Suppliers team understand and maximize the value of Primera?

Does Suppliers team understand how to help me maximize Primera Programs?

Does Suppliers team understand how to help me maximize Primera Programs?

Does Suppliers team understand your business demands and requirements?

Does Suppliers team understand your business demands and requirements?

Does Suppliers team maximize the value your company offers?

Does Suppliers team maximize the value your company offers?

Does Suppliers team support the long term success of your company?

Does Suppliers team support the long term success of your company?

Go to Market Strategy

How effective is Suppliers Management team?

How effective is Suppliers Management team?

How effective is Suppliers local team?

How effective is Suppliers local team?

Does Supplier provide you ample access to their product line?

Does Supplier provide you ample access to their product line?

Is ordering, receiving and invoicing process easy to execute?

Is ordering, receiving and invoicing process easy to execute?

How well does Supplier support your ability to compete against the competition?

How well does Supplier support your ability to compete against the competition?

How well does Suppliers customer service support your needs?

How well does Suppliers customer service support your needs?

How well does Suppliers pricing play in local market?

How well does Suppliers pricing play in local market?

Product Viability & History
In this section we will ask you to rate the Suppliers products. If there is a product category that does not apply to the supplier you may leave the answer blank or mark NA. There is a place at the end of the section to add an additional product category if you think it applies to this supplier. If you do not have one to add then you can leave it blank.

How would you rate the Suppliers technology?

How would you rate the Suppliers technology?

How do you view the Suppliers current new product roadmap?

How do you view the Suppliers current new product roadmap?

How would you rate Suppliers new product launch strategy?

How would you rate Suppliers new product launch strategy?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

Branded Chemicals

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

Commoditiy Chemical Products

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?


How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

Pest Control

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?


How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

Ice Melt

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?


How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?


How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?


How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?


How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

How would you rate Suppliers product and market execution of this product category?

Other: Please Specify Below

Other Rated Category From Above

Other Rated Category From Above


How effective do you feel Suppliers social media is in influencing the end user?

How effective do you feel Suppliers social media is in influencing the end user?

How do you feel the Suppliers supports key industry associations?

How do you feel the Suppliers supports key industry associations?

How do you feel the Suppliers overall marketing strategy supports your team?

How do you feel the Suppliers overall marketing strategy supports your team?

Your Information

Your Name

Your Name

Your Company*

Your Company*

Your Job Title

Your Job Title

Is there anything else you want to share related to this supplier?

Is there anything else you want to share related to this supplier?