May 6th, 2024 – Primera Cooperative, a leading cooperative dedicated to serving the Green Industry,

is thrilled to announce the addition of Village Outdoors as a new Member-Owner. This partnership

emphasizes Primera’s steadfast commitment to expanding its Membership base and fostering

collaboration within the industry.

Located in Kirtland, OH, Village Outdoors has been serving the Landscape and Golf market since

2008. A family-owned business now in its second generation, Village Outdoors brings a legacy of

excellence and a deep understanding of the industry to Primera.

“We are thrilled to welcome Village Outdoors as a new Member-Owner of Primera Cooperative,” said

Samantha Miller, VP of Member Excellence at Primera Cooperative. “Their expertise and dedication

to excellence will enrich our cooperative, and we are eager to collaborate closely with Village

Outdoors to achieve shared success.”

By joining Primera, Village Outdoors gains access to a dynamic network of industry professionals,

exclusive discounts on products and services, and unique opportunities to expand their reach and

impact within the industry.

“We are excited to join Primera Cooperative and become a Member-Owner,” said John DiFranco,

Owner of Village Outdoors. “Being part of Primera will allow us to access a wider network of industry

professionals and resources, which will be invaluable as we continue to grow and serve our
